A Batch of Awesomeness
Interested in running coverage asynchronously on multiple services and / or applications at the same time...all from the comfort of your command line? We went to the drawing board and created a handy batch script to guide you in implementing the fastest coverage you've ever experienced. In this example, we are running a console application, a service, and IIS coverage simultaneously and merging the results afterwards. Why do this? Because we can. And it's cool.
@Echo Off rem A SCRIPT TO SPAWN MULTIPLE PROCESSES AND VIEW THEIR EXECUTION IN THE EXISTING WINDOW USING /b set Coverage_Path="C:\Users\david\Desktop\coverage" rem set the working dir to the coverage file dir so the reporting command below rem will gather all data from this run and merge it. cd %Coverage_Path% rem Use environment variables to auto-create folders per testing session. All files in that folder will be merged. call:setPath start /b ncover.console //svc service.exe //x %Ncover_data% call:setPath start /b ncover.console application.exe //x %Ncover_data% call:setPath start /b ncover.console //iis //x %Ncover_data% rem set the directory above so file names can be relative ncover.reporting *.nccov //s merged_coverage\merged.nccov //at myTrendyFile.trend rem a function to set the file path to a random number GOTO:EOF :setPath set Ncover_Data=%Coverage_Path%\%random%-%random%-%random%.nccov GOTO:EOF