XML Report
Usage: //xml [xml file name]
//x [xml file name]
The primary output of NCover is an XML file. Use this argument to specify an alternate filename to direct output, rather than the default coverage.xml in the current directory.
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //xml MyAppCoverage.xml
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //x MyAppCoverage.xml
HTML Report
Enterprise Edition Feature
Usage: //html [html report directory path]
Outputs redistributable HTML, providing similar information to that of NCover.Explorer. If any files are in the specified directory, they will be overwritten if necessary, but never simply deleted. NCover will create the lowest level directory for output, if it does not already exist. However, if the output path would require creating more than one directory, the run will fail with an error.
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //html .\HtmlReport</code>
Project Name
Enterprise Edition Feature
Usage: //project-name [project name]
//p [project name]
Specifies the project name to be displayed in HTML Output.
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //html .\HtmlReport\ //project-name "My Project"
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //html .\HtmlReport\ //p "My Project"
Log File
Usage: //log-file [log file name]
//l [log file name]
The coverage log file can provide an insight if the desired coverage output is not obtained. It contains useful information such as which assemblies were loaded by NCover, their file paths and which of those it found the .pdb build symbols for. Use this argument to specify an alternative log file name or location, rather than the default coverage.log in the current directory.
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //log-file MyAppCoverage.log
NCover.Console MyApp.exe //l MyAppCoverage.log