NCover Documentation

Please visit NCover Report for updated information.

XML Report

Usage: /xml:[report file name] or /x:[report file name]

Using the XML Report option, you can generate an output file that contains coverage analysis data that can then be easily accessed with an XML API or transformed using XSLT. This option requires that you also provide a report type, using the /report option.

Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary

HTML Report

Usage: /html:[report file or directory] or /h:[report file or directory]

Outputs an HTML formatted report. This report may be generated as a single file or as a directory, depending upon what report is being generated. This option requires that you also provide a report type, using the /report option.

Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /html:CoverageReport.html /r:ModuleSummary or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /h:CoverageReport.html /r:ModuleSummary

Report Type

Usage: /report:[report name] or /r:[report name]

Specifies the report type to generate. The report type can be any of the report types from the table below.

Name Formats Available
FullCoverageReport HTML
ModuleSummary XML, HTML
ModuleMethodSummary XML, HTML
ModuleNamespaceSummary XML, HTML
ModuleClassSummary XML, HTML
ModuleClassFunctionSummary XML, HTML
ModuleMethodFunctionSummary XML, HTML

The full coverage report will create a directory of HTML files, while every other HTML report only generates a single HTML file. Additionally, the full coverage report is not capable of sorting.

Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary

Show Excluded

Usage: /excluded or /e

The Show Excluded option specifies whether or not reports should show excluded nodes in a report's footer.

Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /excluded or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /e

Project Name

Usage: /project:[project name] or /p:[project name]

Specifies the project name that should be included in the report.

Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /project:"My Project" or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /p:"My Project"


Usage: /sort:[sort name] or /so:[sort name]

Specifies the sorting for the report. The sorting methods available are listed in the table below.

Name Description
Name Sort by name
ClassLine Sorts by location within source files for each class
CoveragePercentageAscending Sorts by coverage percentage, ascending
CoveragePercentageDescending Sorts by coverage percentage, descending
UnvisitedSequencePointsAscending Sorts by the number of uncovered sequence points, ascending
UnvisitedSequencePointsDescending Sorts by the number of uncovered sequence points, descending
VisitCountAscending Sorts by the number of visits, ascending
VisitCountDescending Sorts by the number of visits, descending
FunctionCoverageAscending Sorts by function coverage, ascending
FunctionCoverageDescending Sorts by function coverage, descending
Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /sort:CoveragePercentageAscending or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /so:CoveragePercentageDescending


Usage: /filter:[filter name] or /fi:[filter name]

Specifies the filtering for the report. The filtering methods available are listed in the table below.

Name Description
None No filtering is performed
HideUnvisited Unvisited items are filtered
HideFullyCovered Fully covered items are filtered
HideThresholdCovered Items with coverage greater than the thresholds provided are filtered
Example: NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /xml:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /filter:HideFullyCovered or NCoverExplorer.Console Coverage.Xml /x:CoverageReport.xml /r:ModuleSummary /fi:HideFullyCovered

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